You can find and customize these variables in our abstracts/_colors.scss
Color Palettes
Gray color palette.
$color-palette-gray: (
50: #fafafa,
100: #f5f5f5,
200: #eee,
300: #e0e0e0,
400: #bdbdbd,
500: #9e9e9e,
600: #757575,
700: #616161,
800: #424242,
900: #212121,
Collection of the color palettes. You can use these values with color-palette function as well.
$g-color-palettes: (
'gray': $color-palette-gray,
Default Colors
$color-white: #fff;
$color-black: #000;
Project Colors
Global primary color. This is the value used in the u-color-primary
and u-background-color-primary
utility classes.
$color-primary: #008cba;
Global secondary color.
$color-secondary: #e7e7e7;
Global danger color. This is the value used in the u-color-danger
and u-background-color-danger
utility classes.
$color-danger: #f04124;
Global success color. This is the value used in the u-color-success
and u-background-color-success
utility classes.
$color-success: #43ac6a;
Global warning color. This is the value used in the u-color-warning
and u-background-color-warning
utility classes.
$color-warning: #f08a24;
Global info color.
$color-info: #a0d3e8;
Project Color Configs
Background color of the body
$g-body-background-color: $color-white !default;
Text color of the body
$g-text-color: color-palette('gray', 900) !default;
Color of the a
$g-link-color: $color-primary !default;
Color of the a
element in hover state.
$g-link-hover-color: darken($g-link-color, 15%) !default;
Global border color.
$g-border-color: color-palette('gray', 100) !default;
Global text muted color, this is the value used in the u-color-muted
utility class.
$g-text-muted-color: color-palette('gray', 600) !default;
Border color of the hr
$g-hr-border-color: $g-border-color !default;